BigBinary is looking to hire around 40 candidates from various colleges in the year 2023. The starting point of this process is conducting the “screening round”. Please refer to our BigBinary Off-Campus hiring page for more information about the whole hiring process. Given below is what’s mentioned in that article about the “screening round”.
The screening round will be conducted to check the proficiency of the candidates in the basics of DSA(Data Structure & Algorithm). In this screening round, you will be given an n-number of DSA-type problems which you can solve in any programming language of your choice. This round usually lasts for like 3 hours or less.
The test will be conducted online and you can take it remotely. We use neetoRunner to conduct this test. If the candidate scores above the cut-off then we'll invite the qualifying candidates for the next round.
The screening round will be conducted on March 5, 2023 (Sunday) at 3 PM IST(Indian Standard Time). If there’s a change in the date or time, we will be informing the attendees via the email they have provided in the form mentioned below and also via the newsletter.
Candidates who are interested in taking part in the screening round should fill out this form as soon as possible.
How many candidates were hired in the year 2022?
Last year around 600 candidates appeared for the screening round. We ended up making joining offers to around 42 people.
What kind of questions will be asked in the screening round?
All we can say is that these will be DSA-type questions that you can answer in any language of your choice.
What if I can’t take the screening test on March 5?
If for any reason you are not able to take the screening round on March 5 then unfortunately we can’t schedule that round at a later time.
Where can I get more details about the hiring process?
Our about page has more details about the hiring process.
How do I apply?
Please fill out this form. After filling out the form you won’t be getting any confirmation email. A day before the actual screening date an email will be sent to your email with more details.